Sunday, September 1, 2013

The background story of the song "Blue Sky" by "He&She" (Stephen Estrada, Britney Holman), background song of the cat video "If It Fits, I Sits"

Yesterday my wife showed me a funny cat Video she got on Facebook. But to me the Background song was much more interesting. I like it a lot and started to google for it. It's the song by "He&She" named "Blue Sky" I finally found a video by Steven Estrada in which explains how the song made its' way out from the Grooveaddicts library by Warner/Chappell ( to the Internet.

There's also a YouTube channel "He and She" that has all the 15 songs Steven talks about in the Video:

Here's to the song:


And here's the cat video "If It Fits, I Sits - The Supercut Video":

1 comment:

  1. hello, stephen.
    me and my friend love your work.
    so we want to know more, for example 'he and she'.
    if you don't mind.

    thank you so much.
    and could you please tell us the place can hear your work?

    lovely day!
